WWE Tag Team Championship: Goldust and Stardust v. The Usos (c)
This is the most intriguing match on the card, and it's a feud whose time has come. The Usos have had show-stealing matches in their last few PPV appearances against the Wyatt Family, and I think that will be the case again at NOC. Goldy and Cody--er, Stardust--have gained traction in this odd pairing, which says a lot about Cody's acting ability and charisma. Great stuff. I hate to say it, but it's time for the Usos to lose. My pick: The Dusts win the "cosmic key," setting up a great rematch at the next PPV.
1. The teams seem evenly matched early on. The Usos get the first pinfall opportunity, but Cody kicks out.Not quite a show-stealer kind of match, but it was a quality match, and the title change was not unexpected. I look forward to a good rematch.
2. The Dusts take control. Goldust with a powerslam to Jimmy on the outside. Both beat the count.
3. The Dusts use Jimmy as a wishbone. Two count.
4. Spinebuster from Goldust. Two count.
5. Stardust reverses a Samoan Drop into a neckbreaker! Two count. Cheap shot on Jey. Gold and Star trade quick tags.
6. Star tries to splash Jimmy in the corner. Jimmy dodges and Star hits the ring post. Jimmy eventually makes the tag!
7. Jey goes after Star's leg! He uses the ringpost as a weapon. Jey with the splash on Star! Two count!
8. Stardust with a version of CrossRhodes for the TWO COUNT!!! JEY KICKS OUT!!!
9. Stardust locks Jey in the ropes and starts slapping him with his glove. Dust goes off the ropes, and Jimmy gets Jey out and takes a shot for it. Jimmy rolls Star up for a two count! Jimmy over the top rope!
10. Stardust is laying in the ring. Jey goes for the splash and takes knees to the chest! Stardust rolls him up. THREE COUNT!!! THE DUSTS ARE THE NEW CHAMPIONS!!!
United States Championship: Cesaro v. Sheamus (c)
Sheamus probably deserves better than a US title reign, but Creative just doesn't know what to do with him. Putting the US strap on him didn't do anything for either him or the title's prestige since they haven't done anything with his reign. Cesaro, on the other hand, has been in holding since winning the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal. Putting the belt on him would be a step in the right direction. Putting him in a solid feud would be even better. And making him a face again would be best! My pick: Cesaro wins the belt.
1. Sheamus is looking raggedy. I wonder if that's on purpose.A little disappointed with the result, but this was an awesome brawl! I hope this match happens again soon!
2. AND...the Roku resets. Nice. Hope don't miss anything exciting.
3. Cesaro is in control as I get coverage again, and he's wearing down Sheamus with a headlock.
4. Cesaro with the Sleeper! Sheamus down to his knees! He's back up and gets separation. He sends Cesaro into the ropes, and Cesaro locks it in again. Cesaro drops Sheamus on his head.
5. Cesaro with a huge clothesline. Two count.
6. Running uppercuts from Cesaro, followed by two Irish Curse backbreakers from Sheamus! Two count!
7. Cesaro to the apron, and the Ten Beats of the...Cesaro counters! He goes to the top rope, but Sheamus stops him. Uppercuts from Sheamus. Sheamus flips Cesaro to the mat from the top rope. TWO COUNT!
8. Sheamus goes for White Noise. Cesaro counters. Missed Brogue kick! Flying Uppercut! TWO COUNT!!!
9. Sheamus lines up for the Brogue! Cesaro ducks it and rolls Sheamus uo for two! Double Underhook Powerbomb! TWO COUNT!!! QUICK ACTION! CESARO with a backdrop! TWO COUNT!!!
10. HUGE kick from Cesaro with the head of Sheamus. Sheamus is Hulking up! BROGUE KICK!!! SHEAMUS RETAINS!
Florida-Georgia Line come out to do commentary? O.....kay?
Intercontinental Championship: The Miz v. Dolph Ziggler (c) with the stunt doubles at ringside
The Miz has been about as entertaining as he can possibly be, but I don't think that's enough to merit another title run right now. In the meantime, Dolph Ziggler deserves to be in the main event scene, but this will do until Creative gets their heads out of their behinds. My pick: Dolph Ziggler retains.
1. Nice to see that the Miz and Damien Mizdow have their dance routine down as they come out. Poor Damien.Well THAT sucks. And the IC title fades back into obscurity...
2. Zuggler with the Thesz Press. Ten elbows. Well, nine, and then Mix rolls out. Miz hangs Ziggler up in the ropes. Two count. Kick to the head. Two count.
3. Miz is mud-stomping. One count.
4. Big clotheslines from Dolph. Neckbreaker! Famouser is blocked, but Ziggler rolls him up for two. Both go over the top rope. Clothesline to Miz on the outside. Mizdow with a cheap shot. The stunt-doubles go at it. FGL punch Mizdow! Mizdow and Truth Ziggler go to the back. Miz is distracted. Dolph hit a kick to the head. Two count!
5. Dolph misses Famouser. Miz can't hit . Figure-Four locked in. Two count! Still locked in. Dolph reaches the ropes.
7. Mizdow distracts Dolph. Miz rolls up Dolph and Miz picks up the win for the championship.
Roman Reigns v. Seth Rollins
This match won't happen now that Reigns had to have emergency surgery. I'm guessing Rollins comes out to brag and ask for the forfeit win. Someone else--Kofi maybe, or Big E, or maybe even DEAN AMBROSE for a brawl??? (but please not Bo[ner] Dallas or Adam Rose)--will come out and challenge him to a match, which Rollins will win. Or will they fill the time with Swagger v. Bo Dallas? (Or is that the pre-show match?)
1. Rollins does, indeed, call out Roman Reigns and gives him a ten-count to come out.I thought there was an open challenge...
2. Bell rings, match starts. No Roman Reigns. Rollins wins by forfeit.
3. He keeps running down Reigns. He issues an open challenge. HERE COMES DEAN AMBROSE!!!
4. Ambrose runs Rollins ragged! They fight up the steps and into the crowd! Backflip on the concrete!
5. The Authority brings out security to separate the two. Ambrose takes out the security guys and goes after Rollins! Back into the crowd. Clothesline over the barricade! Rollins into the ring. Ambrose grabs a chair but gets tackled by security. They use zipties to strap Ambrose and they carry him out.
Mark Henry v. Rusev
Mark Henry is here to look strong and put over the young guys. That's what he'll do here. Rusev will not take a loss, but the win may not be clean. My pick: Rusev.
1. Lillian's version of the National Anthem was okay. A little overdone. But you can tell Henry was an Olympian and loves his country.No surprise. Cheap nationalistic heat, but it works. JBL is bitching. Maybe he should get in there for a match with Rusev.
2. Mark Henry is in charge early, and Rusev leaves the ring to regroup.
3. Another exchange, and Henry gets him out of the ring again. Henry goes after him, and Rusev drives Henry into the steel steps.
4. Rusev with a corner splash. And another. Henry is down. Kicks and headbutts to the midsection. Rusev locks him up.
5. Henry gets up and splashes Rusev. Can't follow up. Rusev with a spin kick. Kick to the injured spine. Goes for the Accolade. Henry fights out. Kick to the gut. Henry with the World's Strongest Slam, but he's slow to follow up. Rusev rolls out.
6. Superkick from Rusev from the floor. Henry Hulks up a bit. Rusev with a kick to the head. Rusev with another kick to the head. Accolade. Henry taps out. Rusev wins.
Chris Jericho v. Randy Orton
This match makes about as much sense as ME v. Randy Orton. Jericho is another one who should be putting over the young talent, not jobbing to an established veteran. But maybe they want Jericho to leave on a high note as he heads off to his next tour with Fozzy. My pick: Chris Jericho.
1. Orton goes after Jericho's knee early. But Jericho with a beautiful dropkick. Jericho with the baseball slide.Good match, but lousy booking.
2. Jericho tries going up top, but Orton cuts him down. Superplex from Orton. Two count.
3. Jericho goes for a corner splash on Orton. Orton gets out of the way and throws Jericho out into a nasty spill. Backbreaker off the barricade.
4. Orton throws him out again. Backdrop on the announce table. Orton throws him back in the ring. Cover and a two count.
5. Jericho with shoulder tackles. Two count. Orton with a powerslam. Two count. Orton misses a knee drop.
6. Jericho with the double ax-handle. Orton with his vintage backbreaker. Blocked RKO. Lionsault. Two count!
7. Orton goes for the draped DDT. Jericho slides out and goes for the Walls of Jericho. Orton reverses and throws Jericho into the ring post.
8. Orton lines up the punt. Jericho dodges, rolls up the two count. WALLS OF JERICHO!!! Almost to the ropes, but Jericho pulls him back. Orton pulls back through Jericho's legs and sends Jericho out. Draped DDT.
9. CODEBREAKER out of nowhere! Two count!
10. Jericho goes to the top rope. Leaps off. RKO. THREE COUNT. Orton wins.
Diva's Championship Triple-Threat: Nikki Bella v. AJ Lee v. Paige (c)
Nikki has no business being in this match. AJ and Paige are in the midst of the best main-roster Diva program since Trish/Lita. Naturally, WWE wants Total Divas to do well, and the only participant in this match who appears on the show is Nikki. Sadly, I think that's all that matters right now. My disgusted pick: Nikki Bella. I hope I'm wrong. (This will set up a Nikki v. Brie match for the title at a future PPV.)
1. AJ goes for a quick pinfall on Nikki. Two count.The match came down to AJ and Paige as it should have. It should have been that way from the start. Nice to see the feud continue.
2. Nikki goes for the pin on Paige. One count.
3. Nikki with the armbar on Paige. Paige rolls her up for a two-count.
4. Paige kicked in the head by AJ. AJ gets a two count.
5. AJ goes up top. Nikki throws her off. Nikki pins AJ, gets a two count.
6. Paige helps AJ up and then drops her. Kick to the midsection. Headbutts from Paige. Two count.
7. Paige with the knee-lifts to AJ. Nikki throws Paige out and gets a two count on AJ.
8. (The moments where it's Paige and AJ are great. Nikki drags the match down.)
9. AJ gets the Black Widow on Nikki. Paige breaks it up and pins Nikki for two and then AJ for two.
10. Paige goes for the Superplex. Nikki doubles the Superplex. All three are down.
11. Nikki with the torture rack back drop on Paige. AJ breaks up the pin. AJ locks in the black widow on Paige. Paige tries to reverse, but AJ locks it in again. Paige submits. AJ is the new Diva's Champion!
WWE World Heavyweight Championship: John Cena v. Brock Lesnar (c)
This rematch makes no sense. Cena should have been out for a couple months after that beating he took last time, and Lesnar should devastate him this time. But that won't happen. Cena at least has to tie Ric Flair, and that happens tonight. My frustrated pick: John Cena regains the strap. Again, I hope I'm wrong. Lesnar should absolutely obliterate Cena and put him on the shelf for a couple months at least.
1. What's the over/under on suplexes (supleces? supli?) tonight?Disappointing result. I would have liked to have seen the match end cleanly. Oh well. It was a very good match up to the interference. Faith saw the attempted cash-in coming. I didn't, though I probably should have. Had I thought more about Reigns being out of commission, perhaps I'd have seen it coming.
2. Cena blocks a suplex! AA! ONE COUNT.
3. Kimura lock. Cena reaches the ropes.
4. Lesnar doesnt't even look fazed. Lesnar is clubbing Cena down.
5. (The Count voice) ONE! ONE SUPLEX! Ah-ha-ha!
6. Kimura lock again! Cena gets his foot on the rope.
7. Right hands from Cena TWO! TWO SUPLEX! Ah-ha-ha! Two count.
9. Lesnar rolls him up. Two count.
10. Cena with right hands. Lesnar drops him with an ugly clothesline.
11. Double-underhook SUPLEX! SIX SUPLEX! Ah-ha-ha!
12. Cena with more right hands. Lesnar backs him ina corner and shoulder-blocks him repeatedly.
13. Right hands and elbows from Cena. Cena goes for the AA. Lesnar reverses into SEVEN! SEVEN SUPLEX! Ah-ha-ha! Lesnar with more shoulder blocks in the corner.
14. Lesnar drives Cena into the turnbuckle. Shoulder blocks. AA! TWO COUNT!!!
15. Lesnar goes for F5. Cena counters into STF. Lesnar fights out and counters into the Kimura lock. Cena picks Lesnar up and drives Lesnar into the corner. AA! STF! Lesnar raches the ropes, but Cena pulls him off and locks the STF back in. AA!!! Rollins breaks the pin with the briefcase!
16. Rollins hits curb stomp. He tries to cash in the briefcase. Cena breaks it up before the bell rings. Lesnar is back up and he F5s Cena. Cena wins by DQ. Lesnar retains.
Overall Impressions
I liked the show overall. I had some personal disappointments, but the show was quite entertaining.
The tag match was excellent, as was the Cesaro/Sheamus match. Jericho/Orton was good but should never have happened in the first place. And Cena/Lesnar was much better than I thought it would be.
The Miz regaining the IC strap is a joke. That's all there is to say about that. Nikki didn't belong in that Diva Title Match.
Looking into the Crystal Ball
- We'll see some solid rematches between the Usos and the Dusts, Cena and Lesnar, Cesaro and Sheamus, and AJ and Paige (without Nikki I hope.)
- I see AJ v. Stephanie coming in the next few months.
- After Rollins tried to cash in, I see Lesnar being upset with the Authority and running roughshod over Kane, Orton, and maybe even Hunter.
- Are we building to a return from Kurt Angle? Who will get justice for the USA?
- The Rollins/Ambrose feud resumes.