Tuesday, June 17, 2014

RAW 6/16/14 (Hulu edition)

1. RAW opens with Hunter and Steffi haranguing the entire locker room. The crowd is still chanting for Daniel Bryan while the Authority runs him down. They also run down John Cena, Dean Ambrose, and Roman Reigns for refusing to evolve, and Hunter says they won't be in the MitB qualifying battle royal match. For Cena to qualify for the MitB championship ladder match, he has to beat Kane in a Stretcher match.
2. Seth Rollins v. Dolph Ziggler (again). Easy prediction: Rollins wins. (I've heard the WWE isn't doing anything with Ziggler because of his injury history. How odd, considering 13-time World Champion Triple H blew out his knees every time he turned around too fast.) Ziggler steals the show *every night.* Expect him to do the same tonight in a high-quality loss.
3. Ambrose interferes after a lengthy match that delivered everything but a satisfying conclusion. Rollins wins by DQ. Hunter immediately appears on the tron to make Ambrose v. Bad News Barrett.
4. No Shield attire for Ambrose. Expecting another physical encounter here, and Barrett will win off a Rollins distraction. Unless Ambrose gets the DQ win on a Rollins attack.
5. Is the Shield officially dead? Different music, different wrestling gear. Seems odd to split Ambrose and Reigns when their animosity toward Rollins should be further uniting them.
6. Ambrose is selling a shoulder injury, but he's still using some unique offense. (Johnny Moxley fans should be pleased.)
7. And here's Rollins. Ambrose takes both men out with a leap through the ropes. Ambrose goes after Rollins as the ref counts. BNB gets the count-out win. Then he gets taken out from behind by Ambrose. Another unsatisfying ending.
8. Backstage segment with Reigns buttering up Vicki, trying to sneak into the Battle Royal. While Vicki is away, Reigns does something to the drinks V is bringing to Hunter and Steffi.
9. Bray Wyatt is in Cleveland. No one there would notice how strange he is. He gives a promo about power and how he really will have the whole world in his hands when he wins MitB.
10. Out comes Sheamus to offer to shove his whole boot down Bray's throat.
11. Bray v. Sheamus should be another solid physical match. Prediction: interference from the Junior Wyatts. Maybe some from the Usos as well. Has anyone but Cena gotten a victory over Bray?
12. Really enjoying how far Wyatt has come since his Husky Harris days. This is what people behind the scenes saw as potential, and it's paying out in spades.
13. And here's the chaos. Sheamus hits Bray with Rolling Thunder and then holds a ladder so the Usos can run up it to leap onto the Junior Wyatts. While I do like to have a decisive winner once in a while, this all worked.
14. Hunter spills his drink and Steffi drinks hers. Trouble is brewing. Ugh. Sorry.
15. Kevin Hart? Who's that?
16. Ugh. Adam Rose.
17. Steffi is sick. Vomit hits Vicki. *Really* didn't need to see that.
18. Reigns convinces Vicki she's about to be fired and gets her to put him in the battle royal as payback before it happens.
19. Fandango and Layla v. Adam Rose and Summer Rae. Of course Rose and Summer Rae pick up the win. Here comes the freak show. *sigh*
20. Wow. That was quick. Poor Fandango. Rose hits the Party Foul after about 45 seconds.
21. Roman is still in shield gear as he heads to the battle royal. Easy prediction: Reigns wins.
22. Battle Royal: Sandow wears a Lebron James jersey in Cleveland. Of course he's the first out. So what's their excuse for killing his career?
23. Bo Dallas is looking much too strong.
24. Kofi always has a moment in these matches. This time it looks like it will be his elimination of Swagger. Nothing as big as at the Royal Rumble, but at least he gets one or two moments a year where he's not jobbing.
25. Reigns and Rusev are the last two. Big brawl, and Reigns wins with a Superman punch to knock Rusev off the apron.
26. Main Event: Cena v. Kane in a stretcher match. Not so bold prediction: Cena wins. I imagine we'll have plenty of interference.
27. Rollins and Orton come out to attack Cena. Orton hits the RKO. Rollins goes for a chair but gets attacked by Ambrose. Kane chokeslams Ambrose. Cena hits Kane with steel steps. He gets Kane almost over the line. Kane sits up, tries to chokeslam Cena. Cena reverses into an AA onto the stretcher. Cena pushes Kane over the line to win the match and punch his MitB ticket.

Not on hulu:
1. No Slater v. Rusev. Don't mind missing that. But no Drew McIntyre with Slater. *sigh*
2. No Cameron v. Paige. If Vince doesn't give her a chance, she can't make the Diva division look good.
3. No AxelBack v. Goldust and...Stardust? Saw a picture of Cody as Stardust, and it was awesome! And after having Cody say on last week's Hulu edition that we'd see this week's partner, this is a real disappointment.

Good show, but what was cut would have made it better.

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