Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Money in the Bank 6/29/14

I gave a quick list of predictions on Sunday. Let's see how I do.

1. Money in the Bank from Boston opens with the Junior Wyatts challenging the Usos for the Tag Team belts. That's some crazy new music for Harper and Rowan. Hard to deny the momentum Bray's brothers have, and I see them winning the belts, but this feud can (and should) last for some time.
2. The Usos put together a nice series of doubleteam moves leading to a pinning predicament on Rowan. This is the kind of thing that was missing from the tag division for a long time.
3. By the same token, H&R are just brutal. They've got the heel tag team thing down pat with the distractions, isolations, frequent covers, and cheap shots.
4. Wow!!! Double Superplex followed by beautiful double Superfly Splashes from the Usos on Rowan to retain the belts! That was a great match! Both teams shone. Honestly? Five stars. I don't know how anyone follows that.
5. Dean Ambrose gives a promo on Seth Rollins. He's another shining star in WWE's long-term future. Gotta appreciate his crazy.
6. Naomi challenges Paige for the Diva's Championship. Naomi is a lot better than Cameron, and I can see her getting the belt for the sake of Total Divas, but probably not tonight. Paige retains in a short match I think.
7. A minute in, and I'm already more impressed than I thought I'd be. Lots of flying, lots of real grappling.
8. Paige with a Stump Puller?!? Where did *that* come from?
9. Paige hits a nasty DDT for the win while Cameron pretends to give a hoot about Naomi. That was a good match, much better than I thought it would be allowed to be. The crowd wasn't hot for that match like they were for the tag match, but they were alive for it, which says something for a Diva matchup.
10. I liked Josh Mathews, but Renee Young did a really good job with the MitB panel.
11. Sandow comes out as Paul Revere and gives a great heel promo, warning that the half-wits (the Rosebuds) are coming, and then he (rightly) says that Boston will always live in New York's shadow.
12. Sandow v. Adam Rose. Sad to say, Sandow will lose quickly. I can see Sandow losing to Leo Kruger, but losing to a Russell Brand wannabe is ridiculous.
14. Sandow was allowed to look better tonight than he's looked for a long time, but Rose still hit the Party Foul off a missed splash for the win.
15. Barrett is out of the contract ladder match after an injury. I wonder if he's going to have to surrender the Intercontinental Championship. It's a shame. He seems to get injured every time he's about to get a push.
16. The ladder match for the contract briefcase began quickly! My prediction (it's obvious) is that Seth Rollins wins. Kingston will have a high spot, but it will probably knock him out of the match (like it usually does).
17. That was quick! Kofi climbs the ladder, and Ambrose pushes it over. Kofi lands on his feet on the ropes and delivers a cross-body to a group outside the ring! Awesome!
18. Ambrose and Rollins are doing some sick stuff together. I can see why everyone was so high on Johnny Moxley, and why Seth Rollins was golden in ROH. Ambrose is forced to the back with a shoulder injury.
19. Kofi flipped Rollins over the top of the ladder onto another ladder! DAMNATION!!! That was insane! Rollins has taken some crazy bumps!
20. Ziggler ZigZagged Kofi onto a ladder! And he nailed himself in the process, but that was awesome!
21. Swagger had the ankle lock on Ziggler, and Ziggler kept climbing! 
22. Rollins begins climbing the ladder, and Ambrose comes back out and beats him down with the chair. Ambrose is climbing the ladder! And KANE COMES OUT and pulls him down and hits the chokeslam and a tombstone. Not totally unexpected, but this will let Rollins climb the ladder and grab the briefcase for the win. Awesome match!!! And then Hunter and Steffi come out looking like they ate the canary.
23. Axelback v. the Dusts. Two strange teams, but this should be a good match. I'm picking the Dusts to win.
24. Cody is so good. He may very well be the most underrated superstar on the roster. He's got an amazing move set, broad enough that he's not using many of his Cody moves as Stardust. And he's got the charisma to make even the Stardust gimmick work.
25. We may be nearing the end of the Goldust run, but he's really looked great since his return. I hope he gets his match against Cody before this is over.
26. Funny to hear the "Feed Me More" chants for Ryback. That still had gas in it when they turned him heel.
27. Axel accidentally hits Ryback, and Stardust rolls Ryback up for the pin. Axel attacks Stardust after the match, only to take a doubleteam DDT for his efforts. Good match. I wonder how long this gimmick will last.
28. Fandango is wearing a bedazzled referee shirt. How sweet.
29. Rusev v. Big E. Ho hum. Rusev wins in what I expect will be a shorter match. He's got the physical tools, and Lana is a good mouthpiece, but I'm just not sold on him.
30. I wonder what Putin thinks of being used for a WWE gimmick.
31. This is not your 1990s Super-heavyweight match. These two are actually agile. I would like to see more of that in their confrontations. Sadly, they've had meat matches instead.
32. The big spear through the ropes was impressive, though Big E could have broken his own neck with it.
33. Rusev wins with the Accolade. Sadly, just another meat match between these two, but not unimpressive.
34. Summer Rae v. Layla with the bedazzled Fandango as special referee.
35. Layla hits a kick to the head for the win in a yawner. Fandango and Layla close it out with a kiss.
36. Time for the Money in the Bank ladder match for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. I'd really like to see Kane win, but I suspect Cena is the safest choice as we await Lesnar's return.
37. There haven't been many amazing spots in this ladder match, not like the one before. The heavyweights just don't seem to have the capacity for the big spots in this kind of match. Reigns has moments where he's a machine in and out of the ring, but it's nothing we haven't seen before.
38. Gotta say, though, that I loved seeing Orton getting hit with Sister Abigail.
39. That's a sick wound Orton has on his head.
40. Cena AA's Kane and then Orton! Cena climbs the ladder and takes the belts! 15-time World Champion. Hunter doesn't look happy. Orton looks bloody. Good match, but not great like the briefcase match earlier.

I really enjoyed this show. Honestly, I think the match of the night was the first one, the Tag Title match between the Usos and the Junior Wyatts, though the briefcase ladder match was right there. Definitely worth the price of admission. 

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