A victory by RVD makes no sense, but then again, this match doesn't make much sense either. There's been no real feud build, no real rivalry. I'm picking Cesaro, but I wouldn't be surprised to be wrong. It should be a good match if they both bring their best.
1. RVD rolls and jumps on Cesaro in the corner, and then he does a leg-powered throw to get Cesaro halfway across the ring.
2. Rolling Thunder outside the ring. RVD in control.
3. Cesaro gives a thumb to the eye. Cesaro is getting a bit of pop.
4. Cesaro with a gut-wrench suplex. And they go to a Lesnar/Cena commercial mid-match.
5. Cesaro with a prone headlock on RVD as we come back. RVD works to his feet. RVD runs the ropes, but Cesaro catches him mid-air and hits a back-breaker. Two count!
6. Leg-scissors take-down by RVD, gets a two-count. RVD with a Split-leg moonsault. Two count.
7. RVD goes to the top rope, Cesaro hits an uppercut. Another one. Cesaro gets pushed off the turnbuckle, RVD hit with another uppercut. Cesaro thrown down again, another uppercut! Cesaro goes for the Neutralizer. RVD counters!
8. Cesaro with slaps. Rib kick from RVD, shot to the face. Five-Star Frog Splash! Three count. RVD wins.
This booking makes no sense. RVD is there to put over the younger talent, and this loss by Cesaro doesn't do him any good. Cesaro is a star, and lately his character has been going nowhere. Maybe he needs a babyface turn and get the crowd behind him again.
Hulk Hogan welcomes us to Summer Slam in Hollywood. He shills for the WWE Network (only $9.99). "Whatcha gonna do?"
Intercontinental Championship Match: The Miz v. Dolph Ziggler
I'm picking the Miz, just because I don't see them giving Dolph Ziggler the belt. Maybe they give Ziggler a DQ win or something, but they've been hesitant to give Ziggler any push because of concussion issues. I'd be happy to be wrong. And I'll be ecstatic if the moneymaker gets broken.
1. (A German announce team? Really? Cool!)
2. Early roll-up attempt by Ziggler, but Miz kicks out. And then Ziggler goes for the face, and Miz rolls out of the ring.
3. Miz slingshots Dolph into the turnbuckle hard, and Dolph sells it well. Miz takes control. Pin attempt by Miz, Dolph kicks out.
4. "You can't wrestle!" chant breaks out. This is most certainly true. Miz is much better than he was when he debuted, but that's like saying LA air is cleaner than it was before they installed air quality control standards.
5. Miz blocks the famouser, tries to throw Dolph out. Dolph punches Miz in the face and then superkicks his face! MONEYMAKER SHOTS!!! TWO COUNT!
6. Miz tries to walk off with the belt, but Ziggler hits the baseball slide kick.
7. Figure Four on Dolph and pulls him away from the ropes, but Ziggler eventually reaches the ropes.
8. Famouser! Skull-Crushing Finale! Miz didn't sell the Famouser at all. Miz with the two-count before Ziggler kicks out.
A much better match than I'd expect from the Miz, but Dolph looked as good as always. Quality match with a pleasing result.
Diva's Championship Match: AJ Lee v. Paige
I'm picking AJ, if for no other reason than that Vince hasn't seemed very high on Paige. Again, I'd be happy to be wrong. These are two of the best (if not the two best) Divas on the roster, and I hope they give these two enough time to show what they've got.
1. Paige skips out. Wow, is she pale. If she and Sheamus were to have children, they'd glow in the dark!
2. AJ bites Paige! Hairpull! She ripped a hefty hank of hair out! *laugh* She smacks Paige's head against the announce table and the apron.
3. AJ climbs on Paige's shoulders. OUCH! Paige bounces AJ face-first off the barricade. Headbutts in the ring. Paige takes control.
4. Knees to the ribs on the apron. Paige takes AJ up the turnbuckles, but AJ fights back and pushes Paige off the apron. AJ dives off the corner onto Paige!!!
5. SHINING WIZARD! Paige kicks out at two!
6. Paige with a side-kick for the two count.
Not quite a long as I'd like, but that was a very good match. I'm happy to see Paige win, and I hope this isn't the end of their feud. The smack talk and physicality after the match makes me think there's at least one or two more championship matches left in this feud. Maybe they'll get more chances to show just how good they really are.
Flag Match: Jack Swagger v. Rusev
I'd like to see Swagger win, but I'm picking Rusev. A loss here almost certainly buries Swagger.
1. Rusev attacks Swagger before the bell, and Swagger locks in the Patriot Lock! He's forced to break it, but wow. Lana tries to call off the match, but the bell rings.
2. Swagger works on the ankle. "WE THE PEOPLE" chant. Rusev is selling the ankle damage. Swagger is demonstrating a brutality we haven't seen in some time.
3. Rusev counters a Swagger Bomb with his knees. Swaggers ribs are taped under his singlet, and he's selling the damage.
4. Nice back and forth between the two. Swagger hits a Swagger Bomb, but his ribs cost him the three count.
5. Rusev tries for the kick, but Swagger catches it. Swagger goes for the Patriot Lock, but Rusev escapes. Kick from Swagger. Two count. Rusev kicks to the ribs, kicks Swagger in the face.
6. Rusev has trouble with the ankle, but he finally locks in a modified Accolade. Swagger reverses into the Patriot Lock! Rusev reaches for the ropes, and when Swagger pulls him away Rusev rolls and kicks him in the ribs.
7. More rib kicks, and then the Accolade. Jack won't tap! He can't escape but won't tape. He finally loses consciousness. The ref calls the match. Rusev wins, and then he kicks Zeb Colter who was kneeling over Swagger. The Russian flag flies over the ring as their national anthem plays. (Is anyone else thinking of "The Hunt for Red October" as this plays?
Swagger did not tap. That's badass, though it would have been more badass if it had lasted a little longer. I remember when "Stone Cold" Steve Austin lost to Bret "the Hitman" Hart when he lost consciousness in the Sharpshooter. I'm glad they don't do this too often, but it worked here. Maybe Swagger isn't going to be buried after all. The gimmick sort of sucked and didn't add anything to the match, but the result was interesting. This feud isn't over, and I expect Swagger to get the last laugh after their next PPV match.
Lumberjack Match: Dean Ambrose v. Seth Rollins
I'm picking Dean Ambrose, though this is sort of a coin-flip match. Either way, the winner won't win cleanly, and that will set up another match at the next PPV. You know the Lumberjacks (and Kane if he's not already one of them) will interfere, and the briefcase may come into play. This match may steal the show.
1.It's a brutal match, and I can't type fast enough to keep up with it. But seeing Ambrose suplex Rollins over the top rope into the lumberjacks was impressive. And then he took out the lumberjacks himself. Wow.AWESOME match, much better than a Lumberjack match has any business being. Plenty of high spots. It stole the show. No question. Looking forward to the aftermath.
2. Here comes Korporate Kane, sending the 'jacks out to get Ambrose and Rollins. That's going to end badly for everyone concerned.
3. Ambrose just took out all the face lumberjacks as they tried to carry Rollins back into the ring! Wow.
4. Ambrose goes for Dirty Deeds, but Rollins escapes, kicks Ambrose in the head. Rollins does his fake fall-through-the-ropes thing and hits a massive clothesline. Two count
6. Ambrose clears the ring, and Rollins beans him with the MITB briefcase for the win.
Bray Wyatt v. Chris Jericho
I'm picking Bray Wyatt to win the match. Again, I expect one more match out of these two before Jericho goes back to his many other pursuits, but a loss here buries Wyatt needlessly, especially after the clean win at the last PPV.
1. Strange seeing Wyatt in anything but white pants.Physical match, excellent storytelling. Wyatt was particularly sadistic. Glad I didn't let Molly watch.
2. Jericho goes after Wyatt early.
3. Wyatt knocks Jericho off the top ropes to the floor and takes control. He drives Jericho into the apron and sandwiches him between his knee and the steps. Yikes.
4. The crowd just loves Wyatt. He raises his hands and they start singing his song.
5. Wyatt tosses Jericho into the ring post shoulder-first and then keeps using the post as a weapon. Casual brutality, just what you'd expect from Wyatt.
6. Jericho hits a running Wyatt with a dropkick. Two count. Wyatt answers with a chokeslam and a two count of his own.
7. Jericho counters Sister Abigail with an attempt at the Walls of Jericho. After a bit he locks it in, but Wyatt reaches the ropes.
8. A awkward but deadly-looking sort of DDT on the apron gives Bray a two-count.
9. Jericho flips Wyatt off the top turnbuckle. Two count.
10. Wyatt does the spider walk, and Jericho looks freaked.
11. Codebreaker! Two count before Wyatt touches the rope with his foot to break the count.
12. Jericho misses a baseball slide, and Wyatt hits him hard. Sister Abigal into the barricade!
13. Sister Abigail in the middle of the ring. Three count. Wyatt wins.
Brie Bella v. Stephanie McMahon
I'm picking Stephanie to win, mostly because I think Nikki is going to turn on her sister. (Also, since I expect Cena to get beaten badly by Lesnar, this would be good time for Cena to disappear so Nikki's heel turn doesn't affect him.) This match might be surprisingly good, especially if Steffi has been training as hard as it sounds like she's been training, since Brie was wrestling somewhat better before her storyline departure.
1. Apparently Steffi is dressed for an appointment with Hunter after Summer Slam.Surprisingly good match, if predictable. They've done some low thins to sell this match, though, and it will be interesting to see what happens, especially when Daniel Bryan comes back.
2. Nice back and forth early. It's slow, but not too slow. Other than a few elbow tosses by Brie, not a lot of real wrestling so far.
3. Brie blocks a slap and hits one of her own. She goes for the Yes! Lock, but Steffi escapes.
4. Stephanie clocks Brie as she tries to jump through the ropes. Brie barely beats the 10-count. Steffi hits a DDT. Two count.
5. Steph slingshots over Brie with a neck-snap. The crowd is chanting "You still got it!" to Steph. She's keeping Brie grounded.
6. Brie kicks Steph in the head three times. Steffi runs at her, but Brie hits a Thesz Press and attacks her. Brie takes control. Missile Drop Kick, Steffi kicks out at 2.
7. Hunter runs out, and Nikki follows Steffi goes for lose behind. Hunter distracts Brie, and Steffi attempts a Pedigree. Brie reverses into a Yes! Lock, and Hunter drags the ref out of the ring. Brie kicks Hunter through the ropes and does the Yes! chant over Hunter.
8. Nikki comes in the ring. She and Brie sandwich Steffi, and then Nikki pushes Steffi out of the way to clock Brie. Steffi hits Brie with the Pedigree while Hunter gets the ref back in the ring. Three count. Stephanie wins.
Randy Orton v. Roman Reigns
This match has potential, but I don't see it stealing the show. It will probably be slow, albeit physical. I expect Reigns to pick up the win, mostly because Orton has a loss coming to him, and they won't want to break the momentum Reigns has been building.
1. Orton's hands are taped. That's unusual. Will that come into play later?It was, indeed, a slow match, but both Orton and Reigns looked good in this match. A loss here doesn't hurt Orton at all. This was a big test match for Reigns, and he passed with flying colors.
2. Big right hands from Reigns to open the match, while Orton hits his gut kicks. Reigns looks sharp early.
3. Orton does his around-the-world stomp on Reigns, but he misses a flying knee drop. Reigns goes up top, but Orton gets to him before he can do anything. Superplex from Orton! Two count.
4. Reigns gets Orton in a bastardized sleeper, and Orton falls on him to break it. Reigns goes for it again, and Orton reverses into a side suplex. It's slow and then flashes of action. Strange pace.
5. Samoan Drop! Reigns can't capitalize. Back and forth punches and kicks, headbutts.
6. Reigns hits his flying kick to Orton on the apron and then drives Orton into the barricade. He tries again but Orton reverses, first the barricade and then the ringpost. Two count.
7. Orton drops Reigns on the announce table and then throws him into the steps. Gets him in the ring, but Reigns recovers to drop Orton's neck on the top rope.
8. Reigns tries for a Superplex, but Orton blocks and gets Reigns down. Reigns then punches Orton and climbs back up to the top. Super Samoan Drop from the top! Reigns is slow to go for the pin, and Orton kicks out at 2.
9. Reigns calls the for Superman punch and hits it. Reigns sits back to wait for the Spear. Orton counters with the powerslam. Impressive. Orton hits the hanging DDT.
10. Orton sets up for the RKO. Reigns blocks and runs the ropes, and he leaps for the Superman Punch only to get hit with the RKO! TWO COUNT!
11. Orton takes his time following up while Reigns just lays there. He looks like he's setting up for the Punt as Reigns starts to stir. Reigns avoids it and hits the SPEAR FOR THE THREE COUNT! Reigns wins.
WWE World Heavyweight Championship Match: Brock Lesnar v. John Cena
No chance that Cena wins this. He won't be DQed, and that's the only way he'd retain the belt. Brock will destroy Cena, and this will lead to Cena taking a little time off.
1. Cena should keep his red shirt on so no one can see the blood.Lesnar looked monstrous. Cena looked powerless, though he absorbed more punishment than we've seen a Superstar take in a long time. At least the Undertaker was able to give some real offense. Cena couldn't even get to three of his Five Moves of Doom. See below for some notes about where I think Lesnar should go from here.
2. Cena tries to take a brawl to Lesnar, but LESNAR HITS AN F5 TWENTY SECONDS INTO THE MATCH. Two count. Wow. This will get ugly. Excuse me. I meant to say that it already is.
3. German Suplex. Cena looks like someone is walking over his grave.
4. Make that two German Suplexes. Surpleces? Hmm... how about GSs?
5. Cena's trying to hang in there, but he's overwhelmed. Knee lift from Lesnar to the ribs. Three GSs.
6. Cena throws a flurry of punches, and Lesnar might as well be yawning. Lesnar with another knee lift. Headlock. Cena throws elbows, and Lesnar just throws him down. (Maybe Rollins should cause a DQ now and then cash in the MITB briefcase.
7. Cena with another flurry, and Lesnar with another knee lift. Then he stands on Cena's hand. Four GSs. Five. Six. Seven. Lesnar looks like he's suffering from heat stroke. Weak cover by Lesnar, and Cena shrugs out at two.
8. Eight GSs. Lesnar has the ref check on Cena, but Cena doesn't quit. Nine GSs. Cena throws elbows when Lesnar goes for 10. He hits a couple shoulder blocks, but Lesnar catches him and goes for an F5. Cena counters and lifts Lesnar. AA! Lesnar rolls out at two! Lesnar sits up and starts laughing at Cena. He's on his feet and bouncing while Cena is held up by the ropes in the cover.
9. Cena runs at Lesnar, but Lesnar dumps him, straddles him, and starts bombing him with rights and lefts. Cena still won't let the ref stop the match.
10. Ten! Eleven! Twelve! Thirteen! (Someone check my count. I might have missed or added one while typing.) A break, and then Fourteen! Fifteen! Sixteen! Cena locks in the STF while Lesnar yells at the ref! Lesnars in the middle of the ring! Lesnar rolls out of it and hammers away at Cena. F5! And it's over. BROCK LESNAR IS THE NEW WWE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION!
Overall Impressions
Summer Slam is supposed to be the second-biggest event on the WWE calendar, second only to Wrestlemania, of course. Overall it did not disappoint. Definitely worth the price of admission--only (say it with me) $9.99!
1. As I said, the Miz v. Dolph Ziggler was surprisingly good, and the result was unexpectedly pleasant. Miz is better as an underdog, and Ziggler deserves a push, even if it's only a midcard push for now. He lends extra presence to the IC title.
2. I liked the AJ v. Paige match. Paige is a rising star, and AJ, win or lose, is the top of the ladder. The storytelling has been great, and I'm looking forward to the story continuing for a while.
3. Ambose v. Rollins was the match of the night, hands down. Stole the show.
4. Lesnar did exactly what Heyman said he would do: he absolutely crushed Cena. It wasn't a flashy match. Didn't have to be. Lesnar was devastating. Look out world!
1. The biggest disappointment was the lack of a WWE Tag Team Championship defense, especially since the Usos have stolen the show the past two PPVs.
2. The flag match gimmick was unnecessary to the Rusev/Swagger storyline, especially since the flags have been prominent anyway, but that's a minor point.
3. The pre-show match seemed forced--perhaps that's where a Tag Team Championship match might have been a better choice.
Looking at the Crystal Ball
The big story here is Lesnar. He's a part-time superstar, and while he won't be working a full schedule, rumor has it that he will be around at least as long as Wrestlemania 31. So what does that mean? Will he be WWE World Heavyweight Champion at Wrestlemania 31? That affects who he will face. I've heard that Vince wants Lesnar v. the Rock, but that doesn't have to be--in fact, it should not be--a championship match. Another name that's been mentioned has been Roman Reigns. That would almost certainly have to be for the strap, and Reigns would almost certainly have to win. But what happens in the meantime? Lesnar was made to look like an unstoppable force, and that has to continue. Have him face Orton, who has been demanding a championship match, and let Lesnar destroy him too. Perhaps Lesnar is angering Hunter and Steffi by not being around more, and the Authority sets up Orton being the guy to face him. And then have Lesnar defeat a returning Batista for the same reason. Or, if you need fodder, Kane could face him, but that's the least likely scenario. Notice that I didn't mention Cena. He should never face Lesnar again. He should disappear from the WWE for a few months.
And then, your options split. If you want him to face the Rock at WM31, have him face Roman Reigns for the strap at the Royal Rumble and have him lose it. If you want him to face Reigns at WM31, have him lose the strap to a returning Daniel Bryan, and then have him win it back again before WM31, where Reigns would take it from him. The sad thing is, it will take this long for the WWE to get a top-level babyface ready to face and defeat Lesnar. They could have done it with Cesaro or Ziggler, but they let those two fall too far. Bryan could have done it before his injury, but now we have to wait for his return. And Reigns just isn't ready quite yet.
Should be interesting times ahead!
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