Thursday, May 1, 2014

RAW 4/28/14 (Hulu edition)

1. Poor, poor John Cena. He looks so forlorn. Nice for him to get his cheap pops for mentioning the superstars of tomorrow.
2. Ooh, that Wyatt segment was delightfully creepy!
3. I like what they did with AxelBack's entrance music. Don't like AxelBack, but the music is cool.
4. Very good tag team championship match. Probably Ryback's best match since October. Will there be a reprise at Extreme Rules?
5. Dolph Ziggler gets face time! W00t!!!
6. Hugh Jackman! Great to have a real WWE fan out there! Here's hoping he won't jack Ziggler again this time! (Though I wish they'd have brought Zack Ryder out too.)
7. Sandow as Magneto? Oh, how the mighty have fallen. This man has all the tools, and he's being used for this? Granted, it was funny...
8. I'd rather be a lemon than a rose blossom. Ugh.
9. Having heard Cesaro's new theme music, I have to say that it reminds me of Mickey James' entrance music.
10. I've been wondering when someone would actually use Zeb Colter's facial hair for handlebars. Good job, Paul Heyman!
11. Not that the match needed that, though. Cesaro can bring out the best in anybody; he certainly does that for Jack Swagger. Another solid match.
12. The Stephanie McMahon/Daniel Bryan segment reminded me of a child's story.
Stephanie: "Little goat, little goat, let me in, let me in!"
Daniel Bryan: "Not by the hair on my chinny-chin chin."
13. getting over? Wow, talk about marrying into power.
14. That was a surprisingly good Diva's championship match until Kane interrupted. Is Daniel tutoring Brie in the ring?
15. Great to have the monster back. Kane is at his best when he is bringing his special chaotic brand of evil to the WWE.
16. Oh, but Brie's acting needs a little work.
17. A donkey, John? Really? Can't wait to see the Cena/Wyatt match on Sunday.
18. Barrett is really making the best of this gimmick. Good to see him in action again. I don't like him...but then again, I'm not supposed to like heels. I fully expect RVD to be here to put BNB over for the IC title match. (Love BNB stealing the RVD thumb-points!) But will Cesaro intervene?
19. Very good match even with the interruptions. BNB is the #1 contender! Good to see him being pushed again.
20. Enjoyed the extra-curricular activities after the match too. That will be a great triple-threat match at Extreme Rules with a lot of bad blood all the way around.
21. Orton v. Reigns. Expecting a no-contest with lots of brawling after, even with Hunter and Batista in suits.
22. Ric Flair? Evolution reunion? And shaking hands with the Shield? All I know is, "To be the man, you have to beat the man." He sounded almost a little tipsy at times, but he's always been able to talk no matter what condition he's in.
23. I haven't seen Hunter sell a spear like that in a long time. I didn't know he remembered how.
24. That is going to be a hell of a match at Extreme Rules. That melee was just a taste of what's going to be an ugly brawl.

Not on hulu:
1. No Sheamus v. Titus O'Neil. Might have been an interesting match to see.
2. No Cody v. AdR. Shame not to see the further dissolution of the Rhodes team.
3. No Rusev v. Woods. Shucks.
4. No Matadors v. 3MB.

Good show overall with good selling for Extreme Rules.

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