Wednesday, August 6, 2014

RAW 8/4/14 (Hulu Edition)

1. The Authority (Hunter, Steffi, Orton, Kane) comes out. They just happen to mention that Summer Slam is coming, and that it will be on the WWE Network, which is available for only $9.99. Yeah, they just happen to mention it...about ten times. On the bright side, at least they got the crowd involved. Actually, it was sort of cute. All they needed was HBK to come out to shill like he and Hunter used to do in DX.
2. They also announce a "Beat the Clock" challenge where either Dean Ambrose (facing Alberto del Rio) or Seth Rollins (facing Rob Van Dam who, I believe, is injured) will be able to name the stipulation for their match at Summer Slam. (With whom will they replace RVD?)
3. Orton starts to blab about destroying Roman Reigns and how the Viper is back, when Roman's music hits and he comes into the crowd. He's got a great deal for Hunter: he'll destroy Orton tonight for free. Instead, Hunter makes Reigns v. Kane for tonight. And Hunter expects to see the demon. It will be a Last Man Standing match.
4. Kane v. Reigns in a Last Man Standing match. Expect brutality. Expect destruction. Expect Reigns to pull out the win in what will be a very slow match.
5. Barricades, steps, kendo sticks. Reigns gets busted open. Steel chair. Chokeslam through a table. And Reigns barely beats the count.
6. Kane goes for the Tombstone, but Reigns escapes and hits a DDT on a chair. Superman punch! Kane goes for the chokeslam. Reversal. SPEAR! And Kane is out for the ten-count.
7. Hype for Cena v. Lesnar at Summer Slam with a video segment. Ten minutes? I don't know, but it seemed like it took forever. Lesnar promises blood, urine, and vomit. Not a great delivery from him, but he sounds so much like a psychopath that it doesn't matter.
8. Hogan will be on next week! NWO Reunion?
9. Dean Ambrose v. AdR in a "Beat the Clock" match. Expect Ambrose to win, but it's not going to be quick.
10. AdR has had the upper hand for the first couple minutes, but Ambrose makes a short comeback before AdR throws him into the barricade. AdR is keeping him grounded.
11. Small package! And AdR kicks out and clotheslines Ambrose. AdR back in control. Ambrose into the ringpost.
12. Another ringpost for Ambrose. Ambrose makes a comeback. AdR blocks a Tornado DDT, kicks Ambrose in the head. (Commercial time.)
13. Superplex? and Ambrose kicks out. Ambrose rolls him up, and AdR kicks out. AdR puts him in the CrossArmbreaker in the ropes, breaks before the 5-count. DIRTY DEEDS OUT OF NOWHERE! Ambrose wins! Time to beat is 15:42. 
14. Review of the Brie Bella/Steffi McMahon mishegas. More to come later. *sigh*
15. Rusev v. Sin Cara began during the commercial, and Rusev ended it so fast that all we saw was the celebration. Lana then gives a promo comparing Putin and Obama. (Please don't do that. He looks bad enough on his own.) Lana sang "Happy Birthday" to Obama in Russian. (Do they have to pay for that?) And Zeb and Swagger come out. Nice promo from Zeb. Rusev moves to leave the ring, but he attacks Swagger with the Russian flag and beats him down and knocks him out of the ring. Rusev and Lana stare down Zeb, but Lana calls Rusev off before he can attack.
16. Kane comes into the Authority's office, hands Steffi his mask, and walks out, his face unseen. No words are spoken. What does this mean? Is Kane done? (Is this because Hunter expected the demon from Kane and Kane lost?)
17. Chris Jericho v. Luke Harper. If Jericho wins, Harper will be banned from ringside at Summer Slam. I expect Jericho to win, but he'll pay a price for it tonight. Rowan comes down to the ring with Harper. I'd like to see a lengthy match. I love Harper's move set.
18. Powerbomb from Harper! Jericho kicks out. Jericho kicks Rowan off the apron. Jericho goes for Walls of Jericho and locks it in! Lights go out and Bray is at ringside. Rowan tries to attack from behind, and Jericho hits Codebreaker. Then he hits Harper with Codebreaker. Bray attacks from behind. DQ win for Jericho, but he's paying for it. Bray hits Sister Abigail. FOLLOW...THE BUZZARDS!!!
19. Quick promo from Orton threatening to kick off Roman's head.
20. RVD v. Seth Rollins in a "Beat the Clock" challenge, and the time to beat is 15:42. RVD is in the ring, but the announcement is made that RVD is being replaced with Heath Slater. Unsurprising. RVD hasn't been in a match in a while, and I thought he was injured. I can't imagine Slater wins, but something weird is going to happen. (Why are they still using "Three Man Band" for Slater when the other two are no longer with the company?)
21. Rollins offers to let Slater walk out and just be counted out of the match. Slater hits him. Slater looked a bit like a ginger Drew McIntyre there for a minute. Rollins doesn't react well.
22. Dean Ambrose comes out to ringside. Slater hits a neckbreaker, but Rollins kicks out. Ambrose begins to toy with the MitB briefcase as the match continues. Ambrose rips up the contract as Rollins looks on. Slater hits a kick, Rollins kicks out. Rollins goes on the attack...while Ambrose pours a drink in the briefcase and then a bucket of popcorn. And there goes JBL's ten-gallon hat! *laugh* Ambrose holds up the briefcase and it leaks over the announcers.
23. Slater rolls up Rollins! THREE COUNT! SLATER WINS!!! HA! Rollins blames the announce crew and then opens the disgusting briefcase. THAT was quality television!
24. Promo from Bray. His brothers won't be with him at Summer Slam, but he's never alone. Creepy stuff.
25. Brie/Steffi contract signing. This won't end well for Brie. Or Nikki for that matter. Hunter calls Steffi an icon. Steffi makes fun of Brie because her husband Daniel Bryan isn't there. Brie brings up Steffi's arrest. She says she's fighting for all the superstars Steffi has abused over the years. (CM PUNK chant!) Contracts are signed. Steffi Pedigrees Nikki while Hunter traps Brie in the corner with the table. Brie slaps the ever-loving hell out of Hunter, and Steffi slams Brie's head into a table and nails her with a Pedigree. Steffi mocks the yes chant as the show ends. Honestly, I don't think Brie has the star power to close Raw, whether she's wrestling or not.

Not on Hulu:
1. No Damien Sandow v. Mark Henry. Like we need to see another Sandow squash.
2. No Cesaro v. Ziggler. If this had been a long match, I'd have been ticked, as they could put on a clinic. Apparently it was a very quick match, though, so it's probably for the best.
3. No Paige segment.
4. No AxelBack v. the Dusts. We're missing a lot of build for Goldust and Stardust here.
5. No Fandango v. Diego, which is fine by me.
6. No Bo(bo the Clown) Dallas v. R-Truth. Thank you.

Pretty good show. No great matches, but the Summer Slam build was worthwhile.

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